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Even so, the thought of having a sperm count is giving him pause for thought. Narration: Around one in twenty men has problems with fertility. So that's something he has to consider quietly, before rising to the challenge. Mark: The first time you see it, I actually felt quite giddy seeing them all doing their own thing. Alice: It is bizarre, isn't it?

Who Is Affected by Sexual Problems?

I've never actually seen live sperm underneath the microscope. There's something very strange about it. I mean they have got a life of their own. Narration: But fewer than 20 million per millilitre and there might be a problem. And at least half of them need to be swimming well. Dr Kirkman-Brown: Yes. Mark's sperm count was something like about a hundred and seventy million sperm per mil so, that's obviously a lot of sperm. Dr Kirkman-Brown: None of those sperm will ever get through the cervix, but we can see all of them in the ejacular. Here you can see there's a mix of them. Some that appear stationery which maybe dead, may just be not swimming.

Dr Kirkman-Brown: Some that are swimming quite slowly. And he's got lots of these rapid ones Dr Kirkman-Brown: Which are the ones that we think are the boys that do the business. Narration: Many aspects of lifestyle affect sperm production. Tight pants can keep the testes too warm, which can slightly reduce fertility.

Smoking is very bad for sperm, whilst healthy eating and exercise are beneficial. And Jackson has one more top tip. Dr Kirkman-Brown: There is some evidence that's come out in the last few years, that actually suggests if you eat a can of tomato soup each week, you may really benefit your sperm. Alice: There's particular antioxidants and antioxidants are great throughout your body but, well in this case lycopene which is in tomatoes, your body can get at it better if it's cooked.

Narration: Mark's had a chance to really consider an aspect of his health that many men are too embarrassed to talk about. Narration: Sex is a wonderful part of being human, and the organs that make it possible are amazing. But like any other organs they need looking after. Narration: And following the journey of the egg, through the female reproductive system. Home Episodes About Contact More Share Facebook Twitter Mail. Broadcast: Thu 26 Jun , pm.

Male reproductive system problems

Published: Thu 26 Jun , pm. Transcript plus minus. Dr Alice Roberts: Oh my God! Narration: Our bodies are extraordinary, we throw all sorts at them and they hardly ever let us down Inside us, every part is constantly working away - all cogs in an amazing machine Alice: As a doctor and an anatomist, it's my job to know where the organs are, and how they work Narration: I also want to see how our organs cope with the challenges of life and what we can do to look after them.

Today, we're delving into the mechanics of the male reproductive system. Alice: And we have an erection.. Narration: Thirty-something Mark gets to meet his sperm. Except when it comes to the reproductive organs where there's a whole world of difference Narration: And the Cerne Abbas giant amply demonstrates the most obvious one. Something which can be extremely pleasurable along the way We're fascinated, aren't we, by those pictures of the reproductive organs in our biology books at school.

To find out I've devised a new pub game Alice: It's a man.

The male reproductive system - Cancer Research UK (2019)

It's the important bits Man: That's true. Yes okay Alice: Right.

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So it's a bit like a jigsaw. Off you go Man: I know what that is Woman: Oh that's the willy I think I know that one! Man: Shall we put this round the proper way? Alice: That's the easiest bit Woman: No hang on, hang on. It goes somewhere up here Man: That's the prostate Woman: This is Alice: You think that's the prostate?

Man: Oh that might be it Woman: There we go Man: Well that's the epididymis then Narration: They might not be very familiar with all the labels, but they've managed to put them in the right places Alice: Excellent Man: Sweet Narration: And in case you missed that Alice: So, there's a an epididymis, a testis, a penis, a bladder which is part of the urinary tract but very very closely associated with the reproductive system.

And just above the root of the penis is the prostate Narration: Simple. Alice: Well that's what it looks like on the outside but, in order to understand how it's all connected together, I think I need a medium that's a bit more three dimensional Right! So although a lot of the male genitalia is there to see, there's quite a bit of it on the inside as well Narration: Now, normally in the course of a programme I'd undergo lots of tests to show how various organs in the body work.

But clearly, I'm not in possession of these particular ones so we've brought in someone who is.

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Just schoolboy stuff Narration: And we're starting his education in the lab. So I've opened up the scrotum Mark: Okay.

Male Reproductive System Information | Cleveland Clinic

Got you Alice: And that's all gone, and we're just seeing the testes sitting there. Mark: Mmh mmh Alice: This is called the epididymis Mark: Oh okay Alice: You see that structure there Mark: Yes Alice: Sperm make their way into here and then they carry on maturing, and it acts as a store for the sperm as well. And then it turns into a tube, and this is vas deferens Mark: Okay Alice: Which runs up here.

Just straight down the middle Alice: Yes. Mark: Mmh. It's quite solid Alice: Yes. It's packed full of minute little tubules, and inside those little tubules are millions and millions of sperm, all at different stages of being made Mark: Mmh mmh Narration: The testes like it cool. And Mark is getting familiar with his.

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  5. Using ultrasound, Urologist Alan Doherty is going to show Mark a picture of his own testes. Alan Doherty: So you've got, you know a four point six centimetre testicle which is good, you know very good Mark: Yes Narration: Although Testicular cancer is fairly uncommon, it mostly affects men under Alan Doherty: That is an artificial testis Mark: Mmh mmh Alan Doherty: It's what we use when we've removed a testicle, usually for cancer, when a patient wants to be balanced.

    To feel small lumps, something the size of a pea will not be detected unless you actually squeeze quite hard Mark: Whenever I've tried to examine myself before, I've been very cautious about whether I'm damaging anything. Mark: Okay Alan Doherty See you later Narration: As well as sperm, the testes also produce testosterone - the hormone responsible for those physical and mental characteristics we recognise as male.

    Women produce it too, though not nearly as much. So what might extra testosterone do to my face? Alice: I've got stubble as well! Ooh that's really weird Dr Penton-Voak: You can see the differences in the eyebrows though, the come Alice: And come down. But to achieve this, it has to undergo a physical change - an erection. So, let's get some blood pressure At the moment blood's going in, it's also coming out Narration: And here's the clever bit.

    Alice: And we have an erection. Narration: And the blood pressure in the penis stays up until after ejaculation There's a whole array of rituals and physical signals that lead to the point where a human couple reproduces. So on your Mark's with our very own marathon sperm contestants to illustrate Alice: And it's all about getting sperm to the egg. And of course, there are two of them which is twelve metres Narration: The first part of the journey is a rather gentle run along the vas deferens, moved along by waves of muscular contractions.

    The sperm take on energy boosting nutrients In the prostate the sperm from both testes joins the urethra - the penis' superhighway. And I'm doing this really slowly but, in fact the sperm are really thrashing their tails around quite fast Narration: And this is their goal - the egg.