Do you remember how often you go there? Because I went there about once a week, I dunno how often is often enough for them. Renee , I go there about once a month or so, depending on the sales. Since you just got signed up for the mailings, give it a month or two and see if you start receiving coupons.
Does Kroger Double Coupons?
My store only sends out coupons every months. Ask your store manager.
Renee , by the way, I went shopping in Kroger almost every week. Also I have experienced difficulty to use coupons for free items. There are 2 krogers in my area. So next day I went to the other kroger, they took it without any problem. It really confused me. Renee , I emailed Kroger customer service to ask about their coupon policy. Does that make sense? I got a little lost in that sentence, but do you get my drift? I wish we had a Kroger!! Only one chain supermarket here doubles but only on coupons valued at less than a dollar.
If your coupon is. But I still wish we had a Kroger!! Strange, but oh well. I kroger store triples in texas, adn I know the ones back in Louisiana where I used to live do to. Certain areas are owned by a different group int he company and the rules are different. And then the managers at single stores can have their say too, so you really have to ask at YOUR store to know for sure.
They have probably never even clipped a coupon…lol. Holly , Not all Kroger stores triple coupons — Kroger stores in other areas of the country may have never heard of triple coupons. May 5, at am. I have a question how does Maria and Misty Mc have so many coupons of one item???

I obviously am not doing something???? That helps people see the benefit of bringing me what they would otherwise recycle. Spread the word and share the wealth! If people are buying that many papers are they getting a deal or not. I have just started compiling my coupons and am really not to savy on how this whole couponing thing works.
My biggest question is how on earth do they buy so much for nearly nothing. I shop at Krogers in Ohio and they have a 6 coupon limit per item. Learning a lot from this website. You can also go to your local recycling center and look through the bins late Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Or you can look through dumpsters of stores that sell Sunday papers.
Or you can ask the store for any leftover copies they have on Mondays. Some stores will let you have them, others might not. Just ask a manager. January 27, at am.
How to Use Coupons at Kroger | Saving Freak
One more note: Before you shop at any Kroger store, you should check with store manager to see if they accept internet printed coupons. My stores in Grand Prairie TX do not. The first time I shoped there with internet coupons, I spent about a hour at the store. Lately, I found out at the check out line they did not take any internet coupons. Now, I only use coupons from newspaper when I shop at Kroger. March 13, at pm. Ann, which Kroger in Grand Prairie, do you shop at.
How to Use Coupons at Kroger
I never once had a problem with Internet Printed Coupons. To tell you the truth, I just used a couple of internet coupons a few days ago, without any problems. Jessie , This has been my experience as well. May 22, at pm. I know Kroger here in Va have these awesome sales. That store just turns me off. Each store is different. If the sign says unlimited than they need to follow it. I went through training with other cashiers from all over Va and we were told that there is no limit to the number of coupons that can be doubled.
January 26, at pm. Maria, is your Kroger still carrying 8 oz softsoap??? All the ones here in Garland and Mesquite TX have been hit with a shrink ray. Okay, fine! Misty Mc , this is where I am too Misty. I always go to the store on broadway and 30 and they have no limit of 3 and are always super nice and I have never been given trouble using a single coupon there.
I think the soaps have always been that 7. January 26, at am.
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Worth still double or triple coupons? I have family up there and have always wondered if they did. I live near Waco and drive all the way to Cleburne just to go to Kroger.
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That really sucks. I used to get a lot of free stuff. Do those of you living near Garland who get a senior discount get it on most of your items? Mine will only do 3. Kroger does not double here in GA either. March 13, at am.
Kroger Plus/Shopper’s Card
Kroger does double coupons here as long as they are. I have even had a cashier adjust the doubled coupon price so as not to let the price go negative. That was such the typo I meant triple coupons. April 12, at pm. May 21, at pm. February 10, at am. I just went to Kroger yesterday and used several coupons. I live in TN as well. May 2, at pm. They used to triple them quarterly not any longer.
I am planning to talk to the manager and ask if they will consider tripling them again at least quarterly.