You may want to check with your local branch. Or perhaps higher up the chain. If not, better offers could be elsewhere. I just contacted Schwab and they did confirm the deal for current Scottrade customers. I am working on making the switch today. On a related subject, you once wrote an article on DM about possibly owning assets in multiple brokerages.
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I shared that somewhere. Perhaps social media. So there was always going to be a resolution, be it with TradeKing or elsewhere. I still like the idea of spreading assets around, as I tend to err on the side of caution. I believe that starts to occur as you hit the Platinum Preferred Rewards they offer. That itself requires a checking account with B of A. This Schwab offer works better for me, but ME could certainly work for other investors.
Whatever suits your needs is what you should go with.

Can be a stand alone brokerage account with ME. You can certainly have a ME account on a standalone basis, but I was referring to the free trades which requires Platinum status in their Preferred Rewards program. The free trades for 2 years have been great also! Cheers Jason. I would have gone with Merrill a while ago, but the subpar reviews and the need to have a checking account with B of A for the free trades kept me away. I gave TK the benefit of the doubt they had similar reviews , and I later regretted that.
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I made the switch about 2 months ago and got 10 years free trading on all my accounts. Its an unbelievable deal. I am really happy with Schwab. Their custom services is top notch and i really like their research reports. I am really enjoying your videos on how you value stocks. Its great to watch how you do it as opposed to just reading about a stock you highlight. Awesome idea. Great move over there. They just keep dropping anyway. Appreciate the support on the videos. You record videos? Would be interested in seeing the videos on valuation as well. Are these on YouTube?
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These videos are over at Daily Trade Alert. HI Jason I think its great when you can get the same or better products or services for a lower cost. I put this under the 2 thumbs up way up. Good for you for making the move that will benefit you.
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Also enjoy watching your video it was really good. Cheer Michael. It looks like we may do an extra one for July. Hope we can continue them. Jason do you do the promotional brokerage offers for cash?
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If you deposit a certain amount of assets stocks or cash etc you get a bonus. Have to keep the money in for a year to keep the bonus. I just withdraw dividends so no issue. It is a dividend booster. Well, this is basically what I did. It was a promotional offer to bring assets over.
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This had to be a no-brainer, free trades for 8 years… just WOW. They made your decision for you :. Free trade until ? Yeah, exactly. You could do just that. Buy one share at a time, if you wanted.
Not a bad deal. That sucks, man. But you never know what might pop up in the future. Schwab was my broker for several years, until I started trading options regularly. Great research tools. Far more robust than what Scottrade has. This sounds like an amazing deal to move. I have an open legacy account with Scottrade since This seems like a deal too good to pass up.
Thanks for passing along this tip. I was unaware of it before, but I switched from Scottrade to Schwab this week and look forward to ten years of commission free trading which Schwab has confirmed. Really glad to hear it worked out. Just doing what I can to help people, as always.
Jason…I need to add to my comment made a few days ago. I stated that I searched the Schwab website and chatted with an agent, who knew nothing of a special deal for Scottrade customers. On Friday I visited a Schwab office and asked the same question, and they confirmed that there is such a deal.
But…the parameters are as you stated in the article…one year of free trades per year of being a Scottrade customer. There is apparently no particular amount of securities that need to be transferred from Scottrade to Schwab, but the office agent suggested that I fill out the transfer forms and bring them to the office to insure that they could enter an appropriate promo code. However, last year Scotttrade was offering a significant cash bonus for new customers. I thought about it — then called to see if Fidelity would match it to keep me — they did.
Moral of the story is to always ask.