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Similarly, cookies can store ordering information needed to make shopping carts work instead of forcing the user to remember all the items the user put in the shopping cart. Persistent or tracking Cookies are also employed to store user preferences. Many websites allow the user to customize how information is presented through site layouts or themes.
For Information on session and persistent and tracking cookies, see here. Cookies are NOT viruses. Cookies use a plain text format. They are not compiled pieces of code so they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing. Accordingly, they cannot make copies of themselves and spread to other networks to execute and replicate again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they fall outside the standard virus definition.

Cookies CAN be used for malicious purposes though. Since they store information about a user's browsing preferences and history, both on a specific site and browsing among several sites, cookies can be used to act as a form of spyware. See here for some privacy issues and concerns. The way responsible and ethical web developers deal with privacy issues caused by cookie tracking is by including clear descriptions of how cookies are deployed on their site. If you are a web developer and need advice on implementation of cookies and a privacy policy, you can contact us by the enquiry form at the bottom of the page.
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These privacy policies should explain what kind of information is collected and how the information is used. Organizations utilising and displaying a proper and useful cookie's policy and privacy policy include: LinkedIn Networkadvertising. Most browsers have built in privacy settings that provide differing levels of cookie acceptance, expiration time, and disposal after a user has visited a particular site.
Since identity protection is highly valued and is every internet users right , it pays to be aware of what threat cookies can pose.
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As cookies are transmitted back and forth between a browser and website, if an attacker or unauthorized person gets in between the data transmission, the sensitive cookie information can be intercepted. Although relatively rare, this can happen if the browser is connecting to the server using an unencrypted network like an non-secured WiFi channel. Internet security is only attainable if you regualrly use a anti-virus protection programme. See our anti virus protection section. Other cookie-based attacks involve exploiting faulty cookie-setting systems on servers.
If a website doesn't require browsers to use encrypted channels only, attackers can use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending sensitive information over insecure channels. The attackers then siphon off the sensitive data for unauthorized access purposes.
New Laws for the use of cookies and other technologies that store online user information.
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Then in the pop-up, pick a timeframe for how far back you want to erase. This is doing a lot more than deleting the browser history, however—it also takes out your cookies and data cache. You're instantly in the Content Blocking section; scroll down to get to History. Set Firefox to remember, to never remember, or get some custom settings like remember history, but not cookies, or whatever. This section also has a Clear History button.
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Check the Firefox Account section while you're in here—if you've signed on with a Mozilla Firefox account, your history plus bookmarks, tabs, passwords, and preferences may be synced with your other PCs and devices using Firefox, even on smartphones. On the iPhone and iPad, Safari is the standard browser.