Not to be combined with any other discount or coupon. Open year-round. Not to be combined with any other promotions.
Free Museum Days in the Twin Cities
Coupon expires April 30, Not valid December 25, January 1, , January , and February , Lift tickets are also valid on the same day at sister resort, Wildcat Mountain. Open Friday and Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 1pm-4pm. Not valid weekends, December 26, January 1, , January , and February , Please call ahead.
Visit the website for height and age restrictions. Waterpark open from June - September. Call or visit the box office to inquire. Advance purchase recommended. Subject to availability. Open May through October. Call for specific opening and closing dates or visit the website. Closed Mondays except for school vacations.
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Coupon is valid through Open mid-April through October. Coach seating only. Pass cannot be upgraded. Not valid for special events. Valid for season except for September October 8. Adults are free with paying child. Open Tues - Sun, 10am - 7pm. Closed Mondays. Not valid for single ride, 6 pack or last blast tickets, cannot be combined with other offers. Valid one per person.
Shopping Guide: Winter Clearance Sales
Coupon is not valid December 25, - January 1, , January , and February 17 - 24, Not valid for single ride, 6 pack or last blast tickets, cannot be combined with other offers, valid one per person. Coupon is valid January 1, through March 28, Closed Christmas. Limit one free ticket per Fun Pass. Children 5 and under admitted free. Grounds open year-round 9am to 5pm. Main house open select days Memorial Day through Columbus Day.
Open daily 10am-5pm, weather permitting, late May through Labor Day, then weekends through mid-September Redeem at bowling center.

Cannot be combined with any other offers. Tokens not refundable. Coupon is limited to one child per token purchase. Valid through Limit one free cruise per Fun Pass. Reservations strongly suggested, and can be made over the phone. Coupon is valid June 1 through September 30, Activities vary per branch. Limitations and restrictions apply. Photo ID required at time of visit. Valid December through March and May through October Valid June 1, through October 31, Expires April 1, ages 6 - Expires October 8, ages 6 - Children under 3 admitted free.
Valid for departures from Lincoln at 11 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm during July and August, Coupon is not valid on specials. Discount is for 1 pass only- multiple discounts will not be applied. Discount applies to non-hotel guests only. Valid Sun through Friday, non-holiday. Subject to capacity restrictions admittance is not guaranteed. Call a day ahead. No advance tickets.
Not valid December 22, through January 2, , February 18 through March 3, , April 21 through 28, , and August 1 through 31, Expires December 15, Valid April through end of season. Valid Sunday through Friday, January 2, through spring Not valid Saturdays or January and February , Not valid with any other discounts or on pre-purchased tickets. No cash value.
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Not valid with any other discounts. Valid May 12 through October 14, Not valid for Aerospace Fest May 5, All tubers must be at least 5 years old and 44 inches tall. No cash value, not valid on previous purchases. One coupon per customer. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Twin Cities Deals: Free Walker Art Center Admission + More
Free ticket must be used same day and time as purchased ticket. Not valid on January 15, and February 19 through March 4, See website for daily tubing time sessions. Children under 12 admitted free. Open year round Tuesday through Saturday 10am — 4pm. Valid May 1 thru November 1, Reservations required. Coupon valid for one free admission only.
Valid Sunday through Friday, non-holiday periods. Not valid December 26, January 1, , January , and February , Valid mid-May through October Good for daytime cruises from any port. Valid late May through late October MV Mt.
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Valid June through October Limit one coupon per family. Open Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend. Valid Check website for dates and times. Not valid for games vs. Portland Sea Dogs. Limit of two free tickets per Fun Pass. Cannot be combined with any other offer of promotion.