They say one per customer. Does that mean I can only use the promotion once? Or can I come back another day, sign up online to receive my coupon code and re-use the promotion?
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- How to Coupon in Canada: What the Fine Print Means.
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In terms legally, do stores have the right to decline if you come another day to use the same coupon or promotion they have in place? A great simple, clear summary, Taya. Did I read right that you are doing a series in this? Yes, unfortunately while it may be straightforward to a seasoned couponer, the wording it open to interpretation by the staff at the store. It seems that stores like Superstore do not properly educate their cashiers on their couponing policy. People at Superstore need to be educated about that Limit one per purchase because last two times I have been there they have told me no it means I can only do one item.
I wish it was black and white with the cashiers, as I still have to argue transation vs. So when I buy one smoothie using my coupon, I get another one for free, that I can give to my friend who doesn't have another coupon, right? You can eat with whomever you choose. That just means one person can't use two coupons during the same visit. If it said "one coupon per person", that could be interpreted to mean that you're only allowed to use one coupon at that restaurant ever, for your entire life.
By saying "one coupon per person, per visit", it's meant to allow you to use additional coupons in future visits. It just means that you can't use multiple coupons.
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Like if you had a BOGO and another coupon that was like 'free fries with a shake' you couldn't buy a smoothie, get a free smoothie, and then buy a milkshake and get a free order of fries. You need to go back to the original link and start from the beginning or hit the back button to refresh the coupon page to ensure you get UNIQUE barcodes. Some manufacturers choose to release PDF coupons. These make me very nervous because we are all printing the exact same barcode and prints are virtually unlimited.
Balance is needed when choosing how many coupons you will print. Every coupon should show some type of instructions for retailers including a redemption address. Some of the most common clauses I have explained below. This is VERY important! It is important to educate yourself on coupon terminology so you can intelligently defend your case when redeeming coupons.
Confused yet? Let me explain the difference the best I can. Now the cashier is done scanning all your items and coupons and you pay hopefully not too much! You could have just purchased items in that one transaction. It gets even trickier! When using coupons like this it means exactly what it says. So out of everyone that lives in your home you are only allowed to use 4 of the same coupon, per day on these types of coupons. In order to comply with the wording on the coupon AND get all the bottles you planned on buying you would need to get 4 bottles of juice, checkout and pay, take those items out to your vehicle and then go BACK in the store with an empty cart and go get your other 3 bottles of juice.
Be sure you are also complying with store policy regarding multiple transactions as well.
How to Read Coupons and Understand them
Some do not allow it. Some let you go nuts!
Where to Find Coupons. Matching Coupons with Sales and Stockpiling. Thanks for that post. I have been using coupons for quite a while and there was some very useful information in that! Perfect Katie!!! I really appreciate you doing it the right way and teaching others to do the same.
I learned something about DND too: Thanks!
Understanding Coupon "Fine Print"
Lately, I feel like a thief when I use coupons at Kroger. I just tried to use the ice cream coupons, i. Clerk couldn't scan and told me I couldn't use because they had redeemable at Walmart. I explained maybe not so nicely because it is always something and she had to ask two other people and finally she was told to take them. Never know what price is counted when buying items-before mega or after mega. As this was the 2nd time I thought I had bought items and tried to use this this coupon, felt I had already bought double the items for the coupons.
I make sure to count my coupons and keep track because quite often one or more of my coupons are missed. Anyone else about to give up on Kroger???? I feel better-just had to vent!!!!! I tried explaining to her that everything I was purchasing was one transaction and that the coupons were all valid.
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- Does “limit one per member” mean one per transaction, one per day, or truly just one? : Costco!
She refused to budge and I ended up only being able to get one of the items Wonderful post! I will keep reading. I have been couponing for 2 years plus now. I found the DND statement very interesting. I am about to give up, I went there yesterday to get the Nutella deal, so I got it and handed the 4 coupons to the cashier and she wont take it she said it says there limit 1 per purchased and I can only use one so I voided it.