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Once a year the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt is transformed into a large play and adventure park for families. At the largest covered family festival in the Rhine-Main area, visitors can expect a colourful show programme and many star guests. More information can be found at www. The portal and leisure guide with tips, events and coupons for families in the Rhine-Main area. In addition to many well-known places in Frankfurt, Mainz, Wiesbaden and the surrounding area, families can get to know lots of new things from the fields of leisure, culture, sport, shopping and gastronomy.
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Watch fullscreen. Es gab wieder tolle Cosplays zu bestaunen Frankfurter Buchmesse is the worlds most important market for printed and digital content and a great social and cultural event. In October, publishing experts, writers, representatives of the creative industry, and culture lovers from all over the world meet in Frankfurt to network and discuss, negotiate and decide, and to marvel and celebrate.
The Cosplay Area at Frankfurter Buchmesse is the meeting point for fans of comics, cartoons and manga. View the programme here.