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Back from the Dead : The Black Dragonsbane spawned by Fomalhaut is able to bring most dragons back to life. Here we go again. Big Brother Worship : It's very clear that Izumi sees her big brother Souji as the coolest person in the world. But then, everyone in SECT11 are awed by him.

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This hits her hard after Souji makes a Heroic Sacrifice. Idem ditto. Big Good Emelle. This is even given a lampshade by Group 13, in which they question the siblings Japanese spirit— being Americans, they simply shrug. Christmas Cake : Murakumo officer Miya, by her own admission. Also a cool person.

Combination Attack : Boss enemies may have combination attack of their own. Those SECT11 guys are especially brutal. Darkest Hour : Fomalhaut's invasion of National Diet Building, which forces everyone to go deep underground with no obvious way out. Defiant to the End : Emelle, before Fomalhaut. Emelle : Listen, Fomalhaut!

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I won! Unit 13 shall continue my struggle! Amnesiac Hero : The Previous Player Character Cameos from have lost their memories when you encounter them, yet are extremely capable of taking on dragons. Nagamimi expresses irritation when he hears the reason. Anti-Air : Buddy Attacks will remove, among other buffs, the "jump" effect, causing the enemy to slam back down on the ground and suffer Null Action until the end of the turn.

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Anyone Can Die : Did we say anyone? Art Evolution : While still quite cute, III 's character models are more realistically proportioned than the previous games'. Assist Character : Your backup teammates can jump in for attacks, possibly eliminating an enemy's buff and providing an additional effect. An entire backup team can provide the frontline party with buffs. Bag of Sharing : Even if your party has to split up, they'll have full access to the inventory. Bland-Name Product : Look at the full "Nodens" logo.

Now look at the modern Nintendo logo. The doors in Nodens HQ also have an extremely familiar multi-triangle pattern on them. Bonus Boss : Massively buffed versions of the game's major bosses are faced throughout the Shadow Realm. At the end is a final battle with Blaster Raven. Boss in Mook Clothing : The Bonus Dungeon has upgraded versions of every non-boss dragon as random encounters.

The Bonus Dungeon proceeds to pit the player against even stronger versions of every major boss in the game. The DLC quest, "Allie's Death March", pits the player against incredibly strong versions of all minor bosses, followed by a souped-up Final Boss , and an even stronger version of Motherly Dragon Nodens. This is meant to challenge a fully-levelled party, and is only available in the postgame. It even has a mystery reward for completion: A certificate. Breather Episode : Chapters 3.

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Each chapter also occurs immediately after a battle with a True Dragon. It is stocked to the brim with upgraded Dragons as random encounters, and the bosses it contains are magnitudes stronger than the versions fought in the story. Call-Back : The full version of opening theme of the game to the previous games. A little over halfway into the song, the lyrics uses the beginning lyrics from the opening theme of II, and the very last lines are the very first lines of the opening theme of Child Soldier : The default Duelist portraits feature middle-schoolers, because duh, they're card game players.

And they're so good at card games they can use them to fight dragons with magic. These portraits can be applied to any other class, too. Chronic Hero Syndrome : The player characters can't resist saving everyone they come across, even if they're explicitly told not to. Combination Attack : Once you're able to form three teams you can perform Unison, in which all nine characters get to make a single attack at no cost.

Both of the male Banisher options also have this sort of vibe to them, despite one of them wearing full plate.

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Yoritomo also comes across as this. Cute Kitten : In Chapter 3. Once you're done with that, said cafe opens up and you can use cat food to rest with the cats to refill your parties' LF and MN as well as gain SP for each party member.

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You can continue to rescue cats from dungeons afterwards; they'll either populate the cafe or lurk around various parts of Nodens headquarters. Darkest Hour : Following the Wham Episode described below. The cheerful Nodens BGM has even been replaced with a more somber track. Deep-Immersion Gaming : You essentially play as yourselves while in the 7th Encount game.

The post-game dungeon does away with the "Easy Levels" part, as every encounter is a dragon or four and they will easily shred you to pieces. Door to Before : Several walls of Dragonsbane act as these, requiring you to kill the dragon guarding it — which is often on the side you can't visit until later — to remove it. And unlike normal on-map dragons, these ones won't cut into battle if you're near them, meaning that the trick of intentionally getting ambushed by an otherwise-unreachable dragon to kill it won't work on these "guardian" dragons.

Downloadable Content : In the form of quests that give you easy resources and extra portraits, among other things. Dual Boss : Rika and Chika. Thankfully, they're also the only bosses who don't get to attack twice per turn. Dual Wielding : The Samurai class is capable of dual-wielding katanas.

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The poster Samurai girl featured in various promotional art is frequently depicted with dual katanas. Duel Boss : A few are faced in the sidequests to unlock certain EX skills. Dub Name Change : The Vanisher class was renamed Banisher for the localization, likely because it sounds more menacing. On-map dragons, despite being reminiscent of Etrian Odyssey 's F. The bosses, especially True Dragons, will smash your party into a million pieces unless you're damn well prepared. Then comes the Brutal Bonus Level , where all of the random encounters are dragons and will turn any unprepared party into floor art.

Escape Rope : The Escape Kit item beams your party back to the world map. Seeing as they're are dirt cheap, you pretty much have no reason not to go into a dungeon without an Escape Kit or fifteen , unless you're doing a Self-Imposed Challenge. This also includes your own party members. While you cannot truly "date" the non-protag party members, you can have a brief hang-out with them at any time, they do have a kind of affection track that is affected by various things including doing cooperative attacks in party , and the higher ones are very romantic Evolutionary Levels : True Dragons are described as the pinnacle of evolution, and any sufficiently powerful being is destined to become one.

Expy : The Mage's skillset is nigh identical to that of Psychics from the previous game, and God Hands are very similar to Destroyers. Featureless Protagonist : The protagonist, as well as their fellow permanent Unit 13 members, are all completely player-defined. You're even freely allowed to mix class portraits, so you can use a Samurai portrait for a spellcaster or have a Meido hitting things with a lance.

After a difficult battle to decide who chooses to kill or spare it, Blaster Raven leaves, and Iod appears to ask the party of their decision.

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Regardless of what they do to the immature True Dragon, Iod will speak of the future of the Shadow Realm before fading away. Nothing else is elaborated on. Roll credits. Gameplay and Story Segregation : During parts where your party has to split up, nothing is stopping you from going back to the dormitory and rearranging your party so that the same team tackles all obstacles.

You can "change" a character, resulting in a character with a different name, portrait, and seiyuu but with the exact same functional properties class, level, skills, etc. While this could be explained by bringing in a fighter of similar experience, it doesn't exactly account for them somehow having the exact same Relationship Values with other registered characters.

In other words, "changing" is really just the game's way of attempting to integrate cosmetic character changes into the story. Whoever is the leader of the active team is treated as the leader of Unit 13 during cutscenes. Even if you hand the leader position to a level 1 fresh recruit that you registered two minutes ago, that person will be treated as the one who's been responsible for important developments involving Unit This also applies to dates, meaning that you can have a different character for each date with a particular NPC and that NPC won't bat an eye.

Grand Finale : This game is the last in the series. It even ends on a definitive note, with the Dragons erased from existence in a new universe. Guide Dang It! Hint: If you see a brown package on the table between the two couches in your dorm, it's not just a decoration. Hand Wave : Your inventory limit is explained by your characters subconsciously throwing away excess items when full.

Healing Checkpoint : Simply approaching a save point mid-dungeon is enough to fully heal your characters. The Hero : The character you create at the beginning is this as they become the one to save the world and are the strongest human alive. Hopeless Boss Fight : The first fight against Spectus. Your attacks do 1 damage to it at most, and it eventually performs an attack to wipe your entire party out. Humans Are Special : Allie notes that humanity is a special bunch; instead of accepting their place in the food chain and let dragons walk all over them, they instead choose to fight back.

Incurable Cough of Death : The Dragonsbane illness is established as one — the infected are constantly coughing and in a deteriorating state of health, and medicine can only slow its progress.