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It can get very crowded at any event they have, regardless if it is a holiday. I was actually there just this weekend, and there was a lot of people in attendance.
Bay Area Renaissance Festival – 16th Century Festival
The place is large so the number of people wasn't so bad. The real frustration, was the lack of planning on the Vineyard's behalf. If you wanted to purchase beer or wine, the line was 45 mins to an hour.
Yes, it can get very crowded on a holiday, however as stated above, it is contingent upon the weather as well. You can pick up discount coupons at certain places, and you can also get a senior discount, if applicable. Me, I prefer the Celtic Fling at the beginning of the season. It is worth every penny. I mainly attend the Maryland faire, and labor day weekend IS very crowded. I prefer waiting until later in the season--the crowds seem to lessen a bit and it is cooler. Labor Day weekend used to always be 'kid friendly' weekend.
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We've gone and had a good time without actually having kids w us bc the beer lines were way shorter lol However, I love the other weekends bc the actors tend to be a bit raunchier w their humor. No entry price difference.
About Pa Ren Faire
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