- How to Make a Coupon Organizer!
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Three is sufficient for my needs. Place in organizer. No spam guarantee. Your email address will not be published.
Recipe Rating. Skip to content I know most coupons are digital these days but I still receive coupons in the mail that I need to make sure I have in my purse at all times. Set aside. Sew along all edges of the velcro piece. Place the inner fabric on top of the outer fabric right sides facing each other. Cut all 4 corners. Turn the fabric right side out by pushing the fabric through the opening. Besides the binder, one would need CD holder sheets for larger coupons and diskette holder sheets for smaller coupons. Sheet protectors can be used for rebate forms. Put these sheets in the binder.
Organize the coupons according to the category, and start filing them into the slot in the pages. Now, use a stick-on divider on the first page of each coupon category, and write down the name of each category on the tabs.
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Binders can be modified to form a very efficient grocery coupon organizer. Organizing Coupons. A coupon organizer can really reduce the hassles of managing coupons. This process can be made more orderly by further arranging the coupons according to any one of the following methods: Sorting the coupons according to the product category is the most commonly followed practice. This is where categorizing the coupons helps.
One could categorize them according to specific products or into broader groups like 'dairy products', beauty products', etc. Sort the coupons month wise according to the date of expiry. Keep all the coupons with the closest expiry date in the first few pages, and those with later dates of expiry in the succeeding pages. One could also sort the coupons in alphabetical order according to the names of the products.
With the fierce competition these days, many manufacturers offer discount coupons. Learning how to make a coupon organizer will enable to make the most of these coupons. From a coupon organizer wallets to purses, there are a wide variety of coupon organizers available in the market. However, a tailor made coupon organizer to suit your convenience is the best option to enjoy your shopping experience and save some money as well. Share This. Coupon Organizer Categories.
Extreme Couponing. Great Clips Coupons. Easy Alternatives to Shoe Polish. What Should be the Ideal Refrigerator Temperature? Homemade Silver Polish. How to Soften Leather. Getting Rid of Fruit Flies in the Bathroom. The coupons come off easily and nothing rips.
Method #2 – An Expanding File Or Wallet
There are two main stores that I frequent so I use two pages left and right for each aisle. It makes it easy to just turn the page as I turn the corner. I use currency pages, for people who collect money. They are big enough for the largest coupons and very sturdy.

You can find them on amazon very cheap. I find it saves a lot of money to clip coupons but you do have to have a good system set up for collecting and organizing them. The binder system can work great if you have a lot of coupons to organize but I find using a coupon wallet to be sufficient for my needs. As someone said above you have to look for instore coupon deals and sales to make coupon shopping pay off. I collect a lot of coupon buy purchasing 16 or more papers a week.
I use a filing cabinet, a portable hanging flile crate and two coupon wallets. I know your thinking were did this nut come from but hear me out. When I get ready to shop I clip my coupons then and put them in the coupon wallet, the second coupon wallet holds coupons that I may use if I find a deal impulse buying. The system works very well and it is very easy to find the coupons I need. I buy so many papers for the reason mentioned above. When I find a deal I can stock for 6 months to a year in one trip which enables me to wait for my price to come around again before I buy.
My goal is to spend no more than a dollar for any one grocery item, sounds inpossible but you would be surprised how often it happens when you can wait for the sales. I am a coupon educator and run web site that does coupon matchups for several Grocery stors and a Drug store. I asked around and have a local gas station that just throws away left over Sunday papers. So I have them save them for me and just yesterday I received about 10 papers. After I get the adds out I pass the paper onto my Grandma who volunteers at the local zoo. They use them for bedding in some of the cages.
I found you comment to be very educating and I am just trying to get started at this I am a mother of 6 so I have a major need to save. I would love for you to educate me on this. My first time doing this and I am scatter brained. I use coupons on everything I can and most generally save a ton of money.
I saw those expensive organizers on the web and made one for myself. Here is what you need.
Coupon organizer pattern | Etsy
Assemble your book according the aisles at your store. For instance. Mine are Freezer, condiments, cans, boxed dinners, ect. I make a table of contents in the beginning. Then after each divider I place a sheet or two of baseball card inserts sheets, and do this until I have all the desired aisles I want.
iSew Coupon Organizer
Then I put my coupons in the sleeves, if I have 2 of the same coupon I put them together. Plus I use a top bounded notebook to use on my grocery list, and that flips from page to page with me. Very convinient. I would to know how to do couponing. Can you use 2 of the same coupons for one item?
It took me awhile to understand how to get an item for free,so let me explain. I can understand why this is confusing at first because it took me awhile to understand myself.
Expanding Coupon Organizer Wallet – Sew and Sell
Happy shopping. I hope this helped. You can not use 2 coupons on the item but the store will sometimes double or triple depending on the value of the coupon and the deals the stores deals that day. You can use two coupons on the same item sometimes, but it has to be a store coupon and a manufacturers coupon. I built my own organizer much like instructed here. Now, more than ever, I need to coupon. Downloading printable coupons serves most of my needs.
My point, though, is that couponing is a pain. Proper organization eliminates the pain. I like being able to see all of my coupons at a glance or it overwhelms me in the store. I also point out that there are commercial organizers available which allow you to see all of your coupons. You can buy them for the same cost as building one.
And couponing can be fun. I would like to join your mailing list becuase I read a few interesting things in here, but the font is so tiny.
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Can you increace the font size so that its more readable. I have to squint to see the words.