List of Towns To Get Hair Colors
Lumirose , Sep 29, MoriForest , Sep 29, Does anyone know whether or not the Fury style is in NLC? Spent a days worth of cash there trying to get it and, no dice. Let me know if anyone's managed to get it! Lackey , Sep 29, PalmTree likes this.
YaBoiRawDiggy likes this. This is actually from Ariant.
Charlie , Oct 19, It looks like you have the same image listed for both 'Roxy' and 'Short Shaggy Hair'. Shishi-Oh , Oct 22, Edux , Nov 30, Thanks darling :] this helps me out a lot :.
It should still be in the towns listed above. What is the name of the eyes and where can you get them? Love song. I went to Orbis and found to Top Tied Bun o-o…. Leave a Commentz0r Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
Beauty Parlor Guide
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- BasilMarket Free Hair and Face Coupon Quest thread;
- Henesys Hairstyles (VIP) | MapleStory | nkfindustries.comlobal;
- [Guide] Beauty Parlor (Hair, Face & Skin) | MapleLegends Forums - Old School MapleStory;
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Many thanks to Krissy of Scania for her help with this! Princessroid, Summeroid, Fantastical Android, Schooldroid, and Maidroid each select from smaller pools that largely consist of Royal styles, and these androids can come with Pale, Light or Pink skin.
VIP hair color coupon: White color : Maplestory
Finally, android eye colour can be changed as of v. Currently, all colours are available apart from white. The coupons are permanent, untradeable and were 9th Anniversary Coins from Inkwell. You can only use the coupon on corresponding gender androids i.
Be sure to double check you are wearing the one you want Kitty Hair on. Royal Coupons? Royal hair options for androids at the beautician were mistakenly added into game data in the v. Since the v. The styles available select from the same pool as the current rotation for regular characters, but this new feature has been notorious for not aligning with current character Royal Styles.