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I read pages and pages of them on Amazon before committing to a purchase, but rarely leave them. Here's the short and sweet of my story: When I was a kid, I had bad, bad, bad menstrual cramps. On the floor, shaking.. I would push the limits on my liver with a serious concoction of pain killers and even landed in the ER once.

Blessfully, it's only happened once since I've been married. When I was about 15, I went on hormonal birth control to help the cramps and also help prevent a problem I was having with ovarian cysts. I did the routine of taking medications aleve, tylenol and ibuprofen in a mathematical way as to carefully not overdose So at that point, I had hormones, painkillers and still bad cramps. And this was how my obgyn told me to handle things. Obviously, looking back, I strongly disagree with the advice she gave me.

She could have told me to ditch the pills along with sugar and dairy the week before my period and those cramps would calm down.

The DivaCup Menstrual Cup - Feminine Care | Walgreens

Or that adding blackstrap molasses, calcium and magnesium would absolutely help me out. I probably would have rolled my eyes had she told me to drink some hot tea Who knows. But while I disagree with her, she did tell me something pretty profound She told me that for a minority of women, tampons can make menstrual matters worse. She didn't give me a reason why I took her advice for about 2 months. Pads sucked. Hot, sticky, smelly Every 15 year old girl loves that, right? Fast forward a few years and I quit birth control cold turkey.

That's one way of handling things. My period went missing for a LONG time and then returned with a vengeance. I switched to cloth pads bought off of etsy which were fabulous and evened out my cycle in only 2 months.

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I could take a turmeric supplement and drink some hot tea and would be just fine. This was glorious, but a little bit of work with constantly washing my cloth stash to keep up. Laziness got the better of me aaaand back to tampons. I stuck with organic ones because at the time, I worked in a shop that sold them and I got a discount.

Super convenient and didn't have all the nasty chemicals found in your typical tampon. I switched to using Instead Softcups not long after that simply because you could have sex with them in. Hormones, am I right? This was great until I went through a miscarriage. I bled for what felt like forever, and then my cycle didn't return for months. Talk about a mind game. When it finally did return, it was out of this world crazy. Minimal cramps, but super heavy bleeding. This was something I had not ever, ever experienced.

Softcups were now completely out of the question.. Expensive and a little awful. This went on for a while until one day I accidentally bought cardboard tampons instead of plastic. Better for the earth but bleh on a dry day. If you're looking at a cardboard applicator, you can see the top of the actual tampon. Now, I've used plenty of "tampon only"s I showed my husband and then I inspected each one They were all coming apart. These tampons can easily leave little bits and pieces in your vagina, guys!

Not only does that drastically increase your risk of infections and TSS, but what about all those hormone disrupting chemicals sitting in your coochie for hours at a time? It's no wonder infertility is on the rise.

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But then I started attending births. The hormones in the room would bring on my period each time So instead of constantly having little crocheted tampons hanging everywhere to dry, I figured I'd finally buy a cup. For you to understand why I'm obsessed with this little cup, you have to understand everything I've tried before that hasn't worked. Each month, I would tell myself, "Okay I need to buy one for next time! And I am kicking myself for not trying one sooner! I initially went with saalt because their packaging is absolutely gorgeous I'm a sucker for good marketing , and.

I liked the idea of supporting a smaller company. Also- the name felt like a better fit than "Diva Cup". But I later fell in love with the heart behind the company. Saalt is about better care for women and the empowerment of others. The Saalt cup is made of medical-grade silicone and dyes that are chemical, latex and BPA free; and it will last you up to 10 years. With this fold you are going to press down on the open rim of the cup, effectively punching it down into the cup.

About Lunette

You can insert your menstrual cup while sitting on the toilet, standing with one foot on the toilet, or standing with your knees slightly bent. My go to in the standing with knees slightly bent method, but you can and should try a few different positions to figure out what is most comfortable for you. Now you are going to be getting up close and personal with your vagina to insert a menstrual cup. I also always check that the cup is fully open because sometimes it might pop open, but remain kind of squished on one side. To check this you will take one finger and run it along the outside of the cup.

It should feel rounded and not flat all the way around.

UPDATE - My Menstrual Cup Experience + Tips (Diva Cup)

You can bear down your muscles much like you would if you were having a bowel movement , and this will move the cup lower in your vagina. Then you should be able to feel the stem and the base of the cup. Before trying to just pull it out, you want to pinch the base of the cup. This will release the seal and make it much easier to remove the cup.

Empty the contents of the cup in the toilet, and give it a rinse in the sink before reinserting. If you are emptying your cup in a public restroom, you can wipe it out with toilet paper and then reinsert. This is something that comes with experience. You can safely wear a LENA cup for up to 12 hours, so you only need to empty it at least twice a day. Many women find that emptying first thing in the morning and then right before going to bed is sufficient. If you have a particularly heavy flow, you can start by emptying it every hours to see how much menstrual fluid has been collected.

In doing this you should be able to create a mental note about how much was collected over twelve hours to give yourself a good indication of how long you can leave your cup in without experiencing leaks. Yes you can! It is absolutely possible to pee or have a bowel movement without removing your LENA cup. First, lets talk about pee. It is absolutely not a problem to pee with the LENA cup in.

It does not interfere with your urethra at all. Some women may find that it takes a few extra seconds for their stream of pee to start when they have a cup inserted, but with a little patience it will flow! This is because you use the same muscles for a bowel movement as you would to bear down and move your cup lower so you can reach it to remove it.

Then I managed to insert it high enough, but it was sitting next to rather than around my cervix. Then I had it in the right spot, but it was staying flat on one side. I fully expected to have these little challenges along the way, but knowing the joy that a menstrual cup is once you get it right, I persevered! By the end of my second period I was pretty sure I had it down perfectly, but wanted to get a third period in before making my final judgements on the LENA cup.

My third period was wonderfully leak free! I was getting the cup inserted correctly with a great seal on the first try every time, and it was a beautiful thing. I even spent my heaviest flow day out at a festival all day long without so much as a tiny leak! It was amazing! Let me talk about the capacity of the LENA cup. I absolutely need to be using the large size LENA cup.