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Log in to Wiley Online Library. Purchase Instant Access. View Preview. Learn more Check out. Volume 25 , Issue 2 June Pages Related Information. Close Figure Viewer. Browse All Figures Return to Figure. Previous Figure Next Figure. Email or Customer ID. Forgot password? Old Password. She was one man's muse.
For others, this musician and composer was a sex-obsessed monster, and for some she was both. The painter Gustav Klimt secretly kissed her when she was just seventeen. She had a love affair with the composer Alexander von Zemlinsky only to end up marrying the considerably older Gustav Mahler.
After her divorce, she married the writer Franz Werfel. The film shows the turbulent life of Alma incorporating interviews with contemporaries, experts and archive material. During the past few years the author has become one of the most important literary voices in opposition Serbia.
She attracted international attention with the diary she kept during the NATO attacks on Yugoslavia and which was published in the magazine "Der Spiegel".
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Her most recent piece, "Overthrow", a farce about a dictator family, was premiered two days after the Serbian parliamentary elections in Belgrade. Her reports on life in Belgrade are currently being published in all the big literary publications in Europe. The relationship between art and science has always been multifarious and today, in the age of technoscience, has become decidedly ambiguous. Art from the Laboratory is a documentary about the BioArt movement, its technical aspects, new visions and a new approach to mankind's great philosophical questions coupled with insights into the everyday life of progressive bio-artists.
Romantic river banks and unspoilt nature - wherever the Danube flows these types of landscapes dominate. This comprehensive cinematic portrait of Europe's second longest river presents numerous scenes of heavenly beauty along the banks of the Danube, as well as the tension between humans and nature and civilisation and wilderness.
Dams and power stations alternate with sections of natural wilderness along this mighty river, which flows through metropolises such as Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest and untouched natural landscapes like the Danube-Auen national park and the Kopac? Further south, between the Carpathian mountain range in Romania and the Serbian Ore mountains, the river passes through the so called Iron Gate, kilometres of gorges that are among the largest in Europe.
The final opening of the Danube into the Black Sea couldn't be more spectacular. The mighty river expires in a unique labyrinth of water, mud and reeds - the Danube delta. It is the last remaining major river delta in Europe and the largest reed bed on earth, used by huge colonies of pelicans, sea ravens, sea eagles and spoonbills to nest and breed.
Investment, tourism and exports provide the main sources of growth for this until recently crisis stricken country.

The history of bricks reveals significant, indeed fascinating milestones of our cultural and everyday history. Our voyage through time and space starts approximately 5, years ago, in Mesopotamia and on the banks of the river Nile near the necropolis of Sakkara. In addition, this documentary also describes the technical history of bricks and the important role bricks continue to play in contemporary house building.
He was an Austrian politician, the kind that comes once a century. And in January he would have been a century old. Politics and Passion" is the portrait of a man who loved politics with a passion; for him, politics was life itself. It was utterly extraordinary that Kreisky, a social Democrat from a middle-class Jewish family in Vienna, should rise to the position of Austrian Foreign Minister and then Chancellor, and be elected three times with an absolute majority.
During the s half the world was fascinated by this fact.
He was a reformer, a media genius, a great rhetorician and an internationalist who turned his country into a bridge between East and West and made huge efforts to secure a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Middle East. The film "Bruno Kreisky. Politics and Passion" shows Kreisky in five key situations during his political life but also reveals the private man.
For centuries, Buddhist monks lived strictly according to their beliefs, isolated in remote areas, far from civilisation. They rarely heard of advances in the world, if indeed at all. To this day some of the monks still don't realise that the earth is round. All that is about to change dramatically however: Tibetan monks living in exile are increasingly coming to grips with the modern world and taking classes in physics, mathematics and medicine.
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Remaining true to the precepts of Buddhism, which call for the constant re-examination of things, they are attempting to reconcile the reality of our globalised world with the knowledge they have inherited. This documentary reveals how, in remote areas of India, religion and science are being reconciled and shows the monk's efforts to integrate medical, historical and scientific facts into their Buddhist beliefs.
In no other province have as many cultural buildings been erected in the last two decades as in Lower Austria. The documentary Building for the Arts presents a few outstanding examples of this cultural development. Starting with St. The viewer will be led through the broad spectrum of exceptional building culture in Lower Austria, a culture which provides art, theater and music with the plentiful and spectacular stages it deserves.
In reality, cliches fade fast into fleeting snapshots of the tourism- and film-industries. This is especially true for a metropolis like Calcutta, which in has been renamed to Kolkata by the government of the Indian state West Bengal. Kolkata is one of fastest growing Mega Cities on the planet. According to nonofficial estimates, about 15 million people now live in Greater Kolkata. Through architecture and infrastructure the colonial heritage is still reflected, as evidenced by the last tramway on the entire subcontinent.
One thing though is for sure: The real ruler of the city always has been and always will be Kali, the Hindu-goddess. According to accounts by the Roman historian Paterculus, in the year 6 A.
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Age-old, traditional Chinese medicine TCM has drawn an increasing number of followers in the West, including many Europeans, who now enrol for training in the Middle Empire. Chengdu, capital of the province of Szechuan, is one of the centres of this traditional school of medicine.
Christiaan Barnard transplanted the first heart in Pictures of Barnard were circulated in the world's press, and so did his numerous love affairs. Monemvasia on the southern Peloponnes in Lakonia is considered to be one of the most reflective places in which to celebrate Easter.
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The historic lustre of the medieval town takes on a new complexion. The car-free fortress town is synonymous with the mystically intense experience of the death and resurrection of Christ. On the other side of the Parnon mountain ridge, Easter is celebrated quite differently. In Leonidio, the capital of Arcadia, the resurrection is positively bombed into being. Since time immemorial the male population has bombarded the small town, which lies between two rock faces, with home-made dynamite bombs.