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How do I know this? After the initial week or so the rate of fat loss is same as any other diet. I can even say that my diet today is more varied than the previous one. I do not intend to leave this diet and I cannot really see why. And I got it! I am very pleased, I have read a lot about it including scientific literature and I have influenced other people who need to lose weight or improve some aspects of their health. Campos, it is so discouraging to see that you disparage the ketogenic diet based on your assumption that it is very heavy in poor quality processed meats.

You owe it to your patients who are depending on you for advice. Present them with facts, not opinions. This kind of opinions leads to misinformation, we need to try harder to give the people nothing but the truth. What about Brain Grain by David Perlmutter. ISBN While there have not been large studies that show the relationship between the ketogenic diet and cancer, we will be publishing a case study about that topic.

The author failed to comment that pediatric patients with epilepsy are on the diet for usually about 2 years with no harmful effects. Before the false studies about heart disease and fat, the low carb diet was a respected way to lose weight. Studies into our metabolism show we can use both fat and carbohydrate as fuel.

So stepping away from our high carb diet- I am sorry to say that we eat more carbs since the 70s with most of it processed and we now use high fructose corn syrup to sweeten products and we have a wide spread childhood obesity problem. If cholesterol is a concern try plant sterols and stenals to block cholesterol from the receptors in the body. So much more can be said about a keto diet than this article states. There are loads of scientific studies, books, blogs, podcasts etc that provide information about the ketogenic diet.

All you have to do is visit the ketogenicforum. One point not mentioned is that once you are in ketosis hunger and cravings are reduced to the point that even carb addicted people find the diet easier to follow.

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There are many delicious foods to substitute for your SAD standard American diet diet that caused obesity and T2D to become epidemic. Would like to know , how safe this diet in diabetics T2, and how long a diabetic can follow this? Despite the scientific evidence pointing to the harm that olive oil and other oils do to the arteries many doctors still repeat the myth. Just more evidence that most doctors are not a good source of nutritional information. You say a key I diet is very restrictive and hard to follow.

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Leave out the whole grain and you are there. In no way hard to follow, and no hunger, no cravings. I have been on the Keto diet for a year.

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  6. It is easy to follow and for the first time I feel in contol of my health. Your recommendations on cholesterol and saturated fat need to be updated. Eating high carbs and low fat diets made me hungry all the time. The base of the Wahls diet is above the ground vegetables. Far more than in a vegan diet.

    Further, she consumes mostly coconut oil as her primary fat — for the ketones and this allows for higher intake of vegetables and some fruit. The only vegetable oil is olive.

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    She is very strict about adhering to her protocol and one can understand this. She reversed secondary progress MS. I do not know if I am in ketosis but I do the daily fast of hours, drink homemade bone broth and use only the fat she recommends. I have no chronic conditions but did get rid of arthritic pain and have terrific lipid numbers. Thanks for this inputs. I was healthy but my dr told me start diet, any diet just come back in a month I want to see you start loosing… I started Atkins and lost 7 pound in a month. She was checking my progress every six months and checking my condition.

    I lost 64 pounds in 3 years. Now I started eating out of control. I am eating healthy but too much… I gain 40 pound back after 20 years. Now I will start again my Atkins to take off 30 pounds…. What is unhealthy about red meat. We should know that acrilamides, pyrroles in burnt meat and veges from BBQ and over-heated cooking inflames the colon.

    According to Clark H R, PhD ND an inflamed part allows easy entry for the cancer nucleus and cancer complex, to start and fuel a malignancy at that location. Fatty bad?

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    Cholesterol is essential for life, for stress and sex hormones, for Vit A and D synthesis etc. Would love to hear more about ketosis as a way to fight cancer. Is it true that cancer cells feed on sugar, but not ketones? Woody Halsey. I think monosaturated fats should be emphasized — such as is found in peanut butter and olive oil. N o need to make a peanut butter sandwich — no bread needed, just eat it by the spoonful.

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    I have also read a study that reports blood levels of PUFAs rise adequately only if these valuable fats [especially valuable omega-3] are ingested with lecithin. I hold lecithin granules in my mouth while I chew on capsules of fish oil. Do you also use voodoo dolls? I actually went on a ketogenic diet last year to see if it would help my migraines. I have a history of chronic migraines which would usually last 3 days, sometimes longer.

    I stayed in ketosis for about 8 months and experienced a significant reduction in migraines, from feeling some type of headache mild o r severe almost everyday to 1 or 2x per month while in ketosis. When I came off, but remained low carb, my migraines stayed under control for the most part. When I increase carbs, they do return. I have chronic migraine, basically intractable. Nothing has helped. Keto is my next consideration.

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    Thanks for sharing. Very interesting. No one knows the long term effects of the ketogenic diet and they never will know because it is impossible to study diet scientifically over a long time i. No idea how you came to that conclusion but it simply is not true.

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    You can dispute the traditional Okinawan diet if you like but the facts are there for everyone that knows how to read. There have been many cases of large populations consuming almost identical diets for many decades, not just Okinawa. Interesting article regarding a diet I followed in the 70s with great success. A favor, please. Thank you. We often use it during a period of more intense therapeutic intervention, not as a maintenance diet. It is not a high-protein diet, however. It is a high-fat diet.