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You also have the choice of printing your ticket. The employees scanned it when we got to the entrance and we were let right in. I never had to leave my car.
We got to see an amazing light show and stay warm. I would definitely recommend making a reservation online so you do not have to wait as long in line for entry. Visit the Christmas In Color website for tickets and locations. Christmas In Color is open now until December 31st. They are closed on Christmas Day.

All ticket sales are final and non-refundable and are valid only for the date and time slot designated on the ticket. Visit the Christmas In Color Website. Like Christmas In Color on Facebook. Choose between two options to fit you and your family. To reserve group tickets, please call Group pricing cannot be reserved online.
A Child ticket covers ages Ages 2 and under do not require a ticket. We love our volunteers and we have lots of great benefits to make it worth your time.
Christmas in Color
If you visit Luminaria with a little winter weather then you've hit the jackpot! The lights will be extra twinkly and magical. Tickets purchased in advanced are non-refundable. Butterfly Biosphere 10 am — 5 pm. Grab a punch card online to save time and money.
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Sample holiday goodies like hot chocolate, waffles, and more! You can find more information HERE. Members are welcome to purchase as many tickets as they'd like. You can check our Luminaria Weather Hotline to see the status of the event updated each day: Or for further questions our guest service team would be more than happy to help! Give them a call at Rentals are for a 3 hour period.
Rentals are for a 2 hour period. Golf Carts and Segways will not be available to rent due to the narrow nature of pathways. Luminaria: Experience the Light Get Tickets. Home Events Luminaria. Garden Drive Lehi, Utah Time Slots: pmpm Last Admission: pm.
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Event Weather Hotline: Skip the line and see the lights in style!