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I will make one array with the actual payment dates, one array with the "amortized cost" and another array showing values at reporting day e. I have already made this manually, but want this to perform these actions by "one click", by just changing input data. I am pretty new to VBA just a couple of days in and am struggling so far with the "payment date"-array, showing the cash flow on the bond. So the problem appears in the "cash flow array" part. I want the final payment in each row to be equal to the interest payment and the repayment of the loan i.
Please see image for an illustration the green values are the "amortized cost values" from next array which is the amortized cost values of how I want it to look. The function will act as An Excel Function. In your example, with your clarification, I tried to understand every step to do this code for you, however, the complexity didn't help me to do so. But I started something.
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The idea for this function is to you specify everything you need the cells starting with Hovedstol , the dates, the taxes and the index from result. If you need it, you can add anything using my instructions. The result for the function is the calculation of the Formel. Now, you will need to work with arrays to do whatever you want, you won't need to format the cells, you'll be able to create your sheet whatever you want in multiple times and the code will still work.
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To create an array, you need first to specify the quantity of elements, in this example, you can create an matrix with 3 columns from 1 to 3 starting with number 0 if not specified and 2 lines starting with number 1 same, if you not specify, the 0 number is the first one :. You can also Redim your array, but you'll loose your data even if you use preserve, you can't change the variable type.
With this, you should be able to continue the code, sorry to not help more. If you have any doubt to how do something more specific, I'll try to help you. The program takes input parameters from a Userform and calculates the loan repayment schedule.
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I will attach the file below for you to take a look at. The primary algorithm for calculating the loan payment schedule, is the Bisection algorithm. It is the same one that Excel's Goal Seek uses. Note: The code is bit elementary, because as I mentioned earlier, I was just starting out, so I didn't know that I could pass parameters to Subs instead of making variables public, my variable naming was atrocious, and so on. That being said, I don't have the time to go back and make it robust, however the procedures are heavily commented, so I still think that you could learn from it.
File: Loan Repayment Calculator. I used several ideas from it to build my loan repayment calculator.
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Below is the main Code for the calculations. Learn more. Asked 7 months ago. Active 6 months ago.
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Viewed times. Worksheets "Amortisering". Range "D3". Range "D4".

Range "D5". Range "D6".