- Canada's First Coupons & Deals Blog.
- Great MakeUp Prize Pack from Marcelle Cosmetics!!.
- Free Canadian Living October Giveaway.
There are 2 prize packs…whohooo! This giveaway runs until March 5th, , the winner will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to respond. By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to receive new post updates and occasional promotional emails. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Entry -Form.
About Latest Posts. Follow me. Aimee Geroux. Aimee is a suburban mom of 3 and resides in Richmond Hill, Ontario. She enjoys sewing clothing for her small handmade clothing business, baking, DIY projects both big and small, travel, and finding creative ways to save her family money. First Name Last Name E-Mail Address By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to receive new post updates and occasional promotional emails.
Pepper Free Product Coupons that came from Facebook a little while ago.
Choose your free product!
They expire on April 29, I almost forgot about mine. Oetker 50 Calorie Mousse coupons. Just wanted to post to remind people to use their coupons before their expire. I sort of want to use them all in one go with all the others I have just for fun. Pretty fancy! It really has been a pretty awesome few weeks.
Reviews and Ratings
I was starting to think this would never come — some people got their packages over a month ago — but mine finally showed up this week! The only other thing that came this week was my coupon for a free box of Maple and Brown Sugar Quaker Oatmeal — my favourtie! I had 5 packages and an envelope waiting for me when I got home! It was almost as good as Christmas morning. I actually feel bad for my poor mail person today.
Free product coupon for CheeCha Puffs came from an offer on their Facebook page a week or two ago. Took a while to get. I got this for referring 10 friends to sign up for their Facebook page last Tuesday. There will be post on this soon to share my experiences with shopping on Glymm.
Last Thursday I went for dinner with a girlfriend and she gave me all kinds of rave reviews about hers — I came home and was telling him about it and he ordered me one right then and there. It shippied from California and arrived in Canada in under a week not even 5 full shipping days.
I am sure you will be seeing more posts about my FitBit in the future. Last month leancuisine. Each meal was worth points and you could get a lunch bag for points 3 meals. Combined with both the Facebook offers for free meals, a friend giving me her pins and a couple I had in the freezer I was able to get TWO lunch bags! The second one should be here soon. It is a really nice bag and a good size.
We Indulge!
All that came today! Earlier in the week I also got a free product coupon for Philadelphia Cooking Creme.
And something I forgot to mention — last Monday February 6 — I was the first person to tweet londondrugs and I won 4 boxes of Keurig K-Cups — got to pick them up last Friday. Bit slow on posting that.