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Feature Your Business WagJag will find new customers for you with no out of pocket expense. Catharines St. Deloitte is pleased to submit this report which highlights our findings stemming from the compliance assessment of the funding agreement including amendments n o. If you have any questions with respect to the information contained within this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Nutrition North Canada "NNC" or the "Program" is a Government of Canada subsidy program to provide Northerners in isolated communities with improved access to perishable nutritious food.
Funding agreement , including amendments n o. The purpose of the compliance assessment was to provide information on:.
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The period covered by the compliance assessment is from April 1, until September 30, We determined our sample sizes by applying professional judgement based on the frequency of claims and the level of risk associated with the Program. Our compliance procedures took place from February 2, to February 6, , at the Recipient's location in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. We met with the Recipient to identify and document their key control activities, their procedures and processes related to the claim of funds from NNC , program delivery and reporting.
We considered the program visibility. We subsequently performed detailed procedures on the accuracy and validity of the Recipient's claims in order to ensure that the Recipient was appropriately passing along the subsidy to the eligible consumer. We did not perform an audit of the claims. Based on the procedures performed and as more fully described in our report, we did not find any significant deviations in the samples we chose; however, we identified improvements in the form of recommendations toimprove the Recipient's control environment in relation to the Program.
Deloitte, one of Canada's leading professional services firms, provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www. NNC is a market-driven food subsidy program administered by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada " AANDC " that seeks to make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable to residents of isolated northern communities that lack year-round surface and marine transportation links to southern centres.
There are currently communities eligible for the program 84 full and 19 partial , located in Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Two levels of subsidy rates per kilogram have been established for each community; Level 1 higher for the most nutritious perishable food and Level 2 lower for other eligible items. Communities where operating and transportation costs are higher are entitled to higher subsidy rates.
The subsidy is only applicable to eligible items shipped by air to eligible communities. Northern retailers and southern suppliers registered with the Program are responsible for managing their supply chain and claiming a subsidy from NNC for eligible food and non-food items that they ship to eligible communities. On a monthly basis, they must submit a claim kg x subsidy rates , a detailed shipment report kg per item, community, client type, etc.
The claims processor verifies the claims and provides NNC with a recommendation for payment. Registered northern retailers must also submit, directly to NNC , a monthly pricing report for a pre-determined list of food items. These and other program requirements are identified in funding agreements between the recipients and AANDC.
As of September 22, , NNC has 27 southern suppliers and 8 northern retailers including 2 country food processors registered in the program. Northern retailers are those entities that operate one or multiple food retail stores in eligible communities. Swing Paints is the largest pro Pita Break Coupons. Subscribe to Coupon Club.
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