Then, scrub the paste into the stains before machine washing your garment with hot water. You can also try blotting the stains with a mixture of white vinegar, warm water, and dish soap, which can help the stains fade. If the stains still won't come out, apply a mixture of liquid glycerin, dish soap, and water and gently dab the stains with a cloth. To learn how to use bleach to get turmeric stains out of white fabrics, scroll down! To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 6 references.
This article has also been viewed , times. Remove excess turmeric quickly. When it comes to turmeric stains, time is of the essence. Turmeric is used as a fabric dye in many parts of the world for a reason — once it sets in, it's very tricky to get out. Then, rinse with water and dab with a towel. Treating with hand sanitizer and then rinsing may also be effective on less-porous surfaces.
Resist the urge to rub or scrub, as this can spread the stain or grind it in. Another traditional solution sometimes used to remove liquid turmeric stains is to pack absorbent powder like flour, cornmeal, or baking soda around the stain and allow it to sit. Within a few minutes, you should notice the powder soaking up some of the liquid, which allows it to safely be brushed away.
Pre-treat with detergent. Pour a small dab of all-purpose liquid detergent directly onto the stain and scrub gently with a soft toothbrush or towel soaked with water.

Scrub both sides of the fabric with detergent for several minutes taking care not to wear a hole into the fabric , then let it sit for about 10 minutes to allow the detergent to soak in. Don't scrub with a dry brush or towel — only use water and detergent. As noted above, rubbing with a dry tool can grind the turmeric into the fabric, making it even trickier to remove. Wash in warm or hot water. Drop your garment or fabric into the washing machine and wash it on the hottest setting.
Add the same type and amount of detergent as you normally would for the garment.
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Wash for one cycle on the hottest setting allowed on the item's care label. If you have a load of similar clothing, you can also wash it with your stained garment to avoid wasting water. Dry in direct sunlight. After your garment has finished washing, remove it and inspect the stain serious stains may not yet have disappeared. If the weather outside is good, hang your clothing out to dry on a wire or drying rack in direct sunlight. The bleaching power of the sun is well-documented — in fact, in the past, it was one of the main ways people kept their whites white.
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However, note that sun drying cause colored fabrics to fade slightly, so you may want to avoid using this technique for especially brightly-colored clothes. Don't leave any sort of clothing or fabric even whites in the sun for days on end. This can accelerate the natural wear and tear of the fabric, leading to weakened fibers and a susceptibility to tearing.
Repeat as needed. Turmeric stains can be remarkably persistent. While quickly pre-treating with detergent and washing your soiled garment or fabric is almost always a wise choice, it may not necessarily remove your stain on the first attempt. Be ready to repeat this cycle several times for the best results or, as an alternative, try subbing in one of the home remedies below. Bleach white fabrics. One extra option that you have for treating white fabrics is bleach.
This powerful, corrosive detergent can strip the color from fabric remarkably quickly, making it a great choice for removing turmeric from your whites. Try adding a few spoonfuls of bleach to a bucket of hot water and soaking your white clothes in this wash for about 15 minutes before sending them through the wash.
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To be clear, you will probably not want to use this method for colored clothing. Exposure to bleach can cause bright colors to rapidly fade — in high doses, it can even remove the color entirely. You will also want to avoid using bleach for silk, wool, or mohair, as it can permanently damage these fabrics. For white silks and wools, try using hydrogen peroxide, a milder alternative. Try using baking soda paste.
One easy stain-removal trick uses the natural properties of everyday baking soda to beat tough turmeric stains.
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To try this method, scoop a few spoonfuls of baking soda into a small bowl, then add a small amount of water to make a thick, moist paste. Use a soft toothbrush or towel to scrub turmeric stains in fabric with the paste before running them through the wash. Alternatively, use the paste as a very mild abrasive to help take stains out of hard surfaces like kitchen counter tops. Baking soda is a great cleaning agent for several reasons — it's crystal structure makes it mildly abrasive without making it damaging to most surfaces, its mild alkalinity allows it to cut through grease, and it's a natural deodorizer, which can be particularly useful even if won't remove your turmeric stain.
Use a cleaning solution with vinegar. Another easy home remedy for fighting stains including those from turmeric is white vinegar. Blot with a dry cloth to absorb the liquid. Repeat for several minutes and allow to dry. Over several repetitions, you should notice the vinegar's natural acidity cause the stain to begin to fade. Only use white vinegar — never red wine or balsamic. These alternatives can contain dyes that can cause their own tough-to-remove stains.
Treat stains with glycerin. Glycerin, also known as glycerine, is a natural chemical produced in the process of making soap and processing animal fat. It is often available at pharmacies and specialty stores for a small price. Mixed with ordinary dish soap and water, glycerin can make a powerful cleaning solution that's ideal for fighting even the worst stains.
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Try treating hard surfaces with mild abrasives. For surfaces like kitchen counter tops, stove tops, and floors, you don't have to be as gentle as you do with clothing and fabrics. In these cases, try accompanying any of the cleaning methods in this article with some mild abrasive action to help scour your stain away.
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Sponges, abrasive pads, brushes, and rags are all great tools for wiping or rubbing away turmeric stains on hard surfaces. Even abrasive pastes, like the baking soda one described above, can work well.
Don't use harsh abrasives like steel wool or metal scrapers, however, as these can leave permanent scratches on the surface. For extra cleaning power, try soaking the stain in a mixture of hot water and soap for five minutes before using your abrasive. If you don't have one, you may want to try a "magic eraser"-style cleaning sponge. These are usually available at grocery and department stores for a fairly affordable price and work with a microscopic abrasive action to effectively remove stains.
Consider soaking in soda water. Some home care experts swear by clear, bubbly, flavorless beverages like soda water or club soda when it comes to cleaning, while others claim they are no better than ordinary water. In fact, there is very little scientific evidence either way. Try wetting a rag with soda water and using it to soak a fresh stain or pouring soda water on a stain on a hard surface, letting it soak for five minutes, then rubbing with a sponge or rag to lift the stain away.